Thursday, October 4, 2012

Neighborhood Walk

So I don't know that much about being a mother yet.  For instance, when it comes to taking a walk with Ellie and Foster, I've been putting E in the baby carrier and then I have two free hands for walking the pooch (and picking up after him--joy!).  Since this has worked amazingly well for the first 5 weeks of her life, I thought I would stop doing that and try something new--that's the recommended thing to do; right?  When you've found something that works for an infant child, stop doing that; it makes sense, yes?

Well anyway, today I decided to place our baby girl in her bassinet stroller and take her and Foster on a deliciously long walk since the weather was so perfect.  I walked about a half hour and then Ellie started to get a little fussy.  I thought it would definitely pass, so I just started to talk to her and kept going.  (You know where this is headed, right?)  Anyway, about 10 minutes after that Ellie was in full scale melt-down, Foster was obsessed with both the squirrel near him and the huge German Shepard being walked across the street and I was trying to wrangle everyone all while an elderly gentleman watering his flowers looked on in horror.  You know what turns out not to be so fun?  Walking 40 minutes with a screaming baby in your arms, all the while trying to push a huge stroller and keep your dog from running away/destroying people's yards/eating every squirrel in sight/knocking down every person on the sidewalk.

Turns out a stroller, infant, and a 65 lb. dog require two people, if using them all at once.  Tomorrow we are back to the baby carrier.

Before the meltdown--Doesn't she look innocent...

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