Thursday, February 28, 2013

Six Months Old!

Dear Eleanor:

I cannot believe you are already six months old!  I remember the last few weeks leading up to your birth; I was so anxious and excited and nervous for the big day.  I dreamed of what you might look like, and how our lives might change with your presence.  But as everyone says, I had absolutely no idea what I was in for.  You light up our lives with your ever-present smile, your giggles, your snuggles and your deep interest in everything around you.  You have learned so much in such a short time, and I am just in awe of everything you do.  You can roll over, and sit up, you practice walking any time someone will hold your tiny hands.  You charm us with your cooing, and babbling.  You adore Foster and find his antics endlessly funny.  You are a dream baby and we know how lucky we are that you were put in our lives.  Thank you for being such a beautiful, sweet girl and for that beaming smile every time I come to pick you up out of your crib.  You make me feel like the most loved and special person in the world, and I can only hope I make you feel the same way.

Happy half birthday baby girl.  There will be so many more milestones on our journey together, and some day 6 months won't seem so important, but today, 6 months is a big deal.  It is a lifetime.

I love you.



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